
Kaedin Teel


Art has always been part of my life. I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember.  Growing up in an creative family, being a piano player, and having a childhood full of very artistic friends, I’ve always found myself to be creating something.  Throughout the years of random ideas and failed projects, I’ve always looked to the future to improve and try again.  This has lead to me embracing and striving for artistic production in my personal and professional pursuits.

I’ve discovered that inspiration can be sourced from most things in life.  The echo of a bird chirping, the feeling of rainwater on your skin, the rhythm of a drum, the moving words of a psalm, great joy and despair, struggle and victory, and even the sensation of getting punched in the face, are all deposits of valuable art, you just need someone to mine them.

Although I’ve definitely made my share of fun, light-hearted projects, I one day hope to create a work of art that brings together all of the beautiful and rich experiences of life, faith, people, and stories, that will inspire and change others.

“Draw inspiration from all over the world, and watch how the human experience can synergize even the most diverse range of works into a beautiful message.”

Areas of Expertise


Graphic Design


Studio Production

Technical Skills

Monkey Hub Studio is a multimedia art studio that works with inquiring commissions, as well as produces and publishes a range of personal and collaborative creative projects to tell stories, synergize sources of inspiration from a world-wide arsenal, and contribute artistic works back to the people for entertainment and inspiration.